What if I need to send a larger amount?

The Korona mobile app allows you to send up to 200,000 euros, but to access this limit, you need to go through several verification stages:

  • Identity verification
  • Address verification in a European country
  • Income verification

Detailed instructions can be found in the “Limits” tab of the Korona app.


The requirements for the list and content of documents to increase the limit are determined by the European financial regulator.

KoronaPay makes every effort to make the verification process as quick and convenient as possible.

  • You can upload photos or scans of documents directly in the app.
  • Take a selfie for identity verification.
  • The verification process takes from 10 minutes to a couple of days, depending on the limit you are applying for.

To send a large one-time sum, you need to fill out a form specifying the purpose of the transfer:

  • Who exactly you are sending the money to (if it’s a relative, specify the specific degree of relationship, for example, father)
  • Why you are sending such an amount (for example, saving for a house or helping with expensive medical treatment)

Where and for whom you work.


In some cases, it may be necessary to provide supporting documents for the information provided. For example, providing an income certificate from your place of work.

Entrepreneurs can provide their tax number, tax authority details, or any other document confirming self-employment.

Fill out the form carefully and truthfully. This will expedite the transfer process.

How to send a transfer?
How to pick up transfer in cash?
How to contact us
Read a blog for migrants about living and working in Europe